House Joint Resolution 21. Proposes an amendment to Oregon Constitution to provide for surplus revenue refunds to be equally divided among personal income taxpayers. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election. Email I sent to the State Representative and Senator of a neighboring county: HJR 21 seeks to put the Democrats’ handout spin on a measure enshrined by the voters in 2000. Do you wonder why voters don’t trust politicians? Bills like this is why. It reads like a page taken out of the Marxist playbook. The only reason it was drafted with language referring it to the voters is that the Democrats figured the lopsided left in Western Oregon would overpower commonsense voters and approve something that would give them more free money. I worked for 47 years to get what I’ve got, 22 of those years spent wearing a uniform in defense of this nation. I did that to provide for myself and my family – not to give away what I’ve got coming to me to a bunch of adult ne’er-do-wells that still live with their parents, who go out wearing pajamas and sandals, and without even running a comb through their hair. I implore you to vote NO on HJR 21 when it comes before you for a vote. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.