In 17 years, Oregon sees 91% spike in homelessness. US homelessness up 18% as affordable housing remains out of reach for many people. Reports consistently blame the lack of affordable housing as the reason more of the American population is living in a tent under a bridge. I, for one, have a different spin on it. Here’s the problem: If a person didn’t pay attention during their K-12 years (or stay in school period) and accumulate the required knowledge to eventually achieve an employable skill of some sort, it wouldn’t matter HOW much housing was available, the person living on handouts couldn’t afford it. As long as bleedin’ heart Democrats are handing out welfare payments like they’re candy, they’ll never afford a place to live outside of a government housing project of some sort. Currently, you’re probably hearing talk of limiting the number of H-1B1 work visas available to bright, foreign-born applicants that industry needs. How about providing incentives and changing the American mindset to encourage excellence in ANY educational endeavor or technical training? If we spent as much time celebrating mental prowess as we do jocks and prom queens, this country wouldn’t need to import as much brainpower from overseas. - Commonsense Commentary
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