Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley calls for resistance against Trump’s agenda. How in the hell did a rabid Democrat get raised in a loggin’ town fulla common sense like Myrtle Creek and then spread his donkey’s ass hate-filled hypocrisy throughout the state? I’LL never understand it. I KNOW how he got elected – the 7 counties fulla Willamette Valley Democrats (California refugees). I’m so sick and tired of the wokesters and the leftstream media shovin’ their green, trans, wetback, bum lovin’ stuff down my throat that I could scream. If they can’t say it with common sense, then don’t say it at all. I CAN’T be the only one. Why the hell do you think we elected #45 to be #47?

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.