Lawsuits argue Oregon retailers can’t scan ID for all alcohol and tobacco purchases. IT’S ABOUT DAMNED TIME! Where do I sign up to join the suit? Oregon law specifies asking for ID when “there is any reasonable doubt of the person’s having reached 21 years of age.” I’m 73 years old for Christ’s sake! It’s not MY fault the store isn’t smart enough to hire employees who can’t tell the difference between a 21-year-old and someone who’s clearly past retirement age. When this became a fad among stores, those who wanted to scan my driver’s license when I was trying to buy fake beer – let me repeat that – NON-ALCOHOLIC beer, lost me as a customer. If the stores don’t want to get fined by the state for selling alcohol or tobacco to anyone underage, then hire smarter people. Oh, I forgot. This is Oregon. Thanks to the Democrats in Salem, high school graduates don’t have to know how to read or do math anymore. I guess they’ll haveta widen the search for minimum-wage employees to include neighboring states.

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