Senate sneaks business tax hike (CAT) by voters. Email sent to senators listed in the article, reprinted here with permission of the author: You people need to sharpen your pencils. The CAT was never a good idea, but Salem insisted on saddling Oregon’s businesses with it. This bill was undoubtedly born due to your having had so many complaints about the CAT. You’re trading an increase in the exemption level for an effective 16% tax increase – caused by cutting allowable deductions, or an outright 7% tax increase, depending on business size. That’s like patting yourself on the back for giving an employee a 4% raise when the average annual bump is 2%. If the inflation rate is 9%, the 4% increase will not allow the employee’s buying power to keep up with price increases caused by hyperinflation, and at that rate, they’ll never break even. If Oregon’s taken in $3.9 billion more than projected, and the kicker’s making you give it back to the taxpayers, why are you trying to take in even more? I urge you to vote no on SB 140-3 — no new tax increases. The CAT tax should be abolished, not made worse. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.