Sen. Merkley: Border Bill failed due to Republicans playing politics. I beg to differ. It was a 370 page bill, and here’s just ONE tidbit of why it failed that I’ll offer: This is just one of three laughable questions asked of an illegal alien encountered at the border – could you have stayed in Mexico, to which (unless they were a complete idiot) would obviously be answered with a “no.” Do Biden and his boys think this bill will be the impetus of change that automatically turns millions of wetback lawbreakers into truthful, upstanding people? Give me a break. Problematic portions like the above is why this bill failed. Merkley can blame it on Republicans all he wants. It had big enough holes to drive a truck through. While we’re on Merkley, I’ll ask again: How did he turn into a card-carrying Democrat, go to the dark side, and get elected as a US Senator to start with? He’s from Myrtle Creek for Christ’s sake! Over the years, I’ve known more than a few people from there. It’s a loggin’ town, full of common sense. Without fail, every time I’ve written to him, his replies have gone on at length about how his position was righteous. I will say this: At least he responds every time. That’s more than I can say about Oregon’s other Senator. I’ve NEVER received a reply from Wyden – not even from his staff. - Commonsense Commentary
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