Mass transit systems facing budget shortfalls amid lower ridership, increased remote work. Hey Eugene! Are you payin’ attention?!? You continually require less and less parking for new construction across the board (private and commercial), to force people to ride LTD’s buses. How’s that gonna work if ridership drops to the point where there’s fewer and fewer buses because there’s less and less people payin’ to ride ’em? If it comes to that, the rape of 11th Avenue businesses for their land so you could make room for your precious EMX and the impending rape of River Road for the same reason will’ve been for nothin’. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that if the national trend continues here, the bleeding-heart bureaucrats who run this town will’ve painted themselves into a corner that they can’t get out of. What’re you gonna do in the future after you’ve been forced to cut back on the number of buses ’cause people aren’t ridin’ ’em, and there aren’t any parking spaces ’cause you didn’t require ’em? Maybe it’ll solve itself. After the earthfirster treehuggers COMPLETELY take over the town, people’ll get fed up and leave, so the reduced ridership’ll match the scaled-down bus fleet. Way to go Democrats – you’ve done it again! - Commonsense Commentary
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