Kotek considers potential vetoes, including Creswell water treatment facility. Hey Kotek! Believe it or not, eventually, things wear out, including wastewater and potable water delivery infrastructure. Without exception, the only reason these municipalities are requesting money from you to fix their failing systems is because they lack the tax base to do it on their own. In typical fashion, you’re gonna step on their needs in favor of your Democridiot votin’ base, who’s screamin’ at you to fix the bum problem we’ve got by spending our tax dollars to build housing that still isn’t gonna get ’em off the streets. The only way THAT’S gonna happen is by puttin’ money into buildin’ the Transition Centers I’ve been talkin’ about for years.

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.