Oregon plans to use Medicaid money for rental assistance for those who qualify. Are you SEEING this?!? Can you BELIEVE it?!? If you wonder where Oregon got the reputation of being an extension of California, this is it. They’re gonna use Medicaid money to provide some Medicaid recipients money to help with their rent, stating that being too broke to pay the landlord affects their health. Really? What’s next? Buyin’ ’em a new car, ’cause that’ll make ’em feel better about themselves, which affects their mental health. For God’s sake! Why don’t they just have a state employee drive around town with the back seat fulla of cash and throw a few handfuls out the window to every bum they see? Folks, as a taxpayer, it’s ideas like this one that should piss you off. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that no government, anywhere, at any level – city, county, state, or federal – has any of its own money. They only have YOUR money. YOUR tax dollars. And when some WP bleeding heart bureaucrat, who only got hired ’cause he gave lots of money to the Democrat that got elected last cycle, gets a hair-brained idea like this, it needs to make you mad enough to bite nails.

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
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