Several FBI offices contributed to anti-Catholic memo, refuting Wray’s testimony. GOP lawmakers say the subpoenaed document details how FBI Portland and Los Angeles field offices contributed to the Richmond anti-Catholic memo. The Portland FBI was correct in looking for terrorists in the City of Roses (think the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots). The problem was they were looking under the wrong rocks. I don’t care how jaded you’ve become from years of wading through the scum-filled underworld looking for bad guys. Anybody with an ounce of common sense could tell you that the LAST place you need to look is a house of God, ESPECIALLY one that’s been around for over 1600 years. I could cut ’em some slack if they wanted to target the ultra-fringe denominations that base their religion on mushrooms but not the venerable Catholic faith. - Commonsense Commentary
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