SB 1583 blocks both parents & school boards. Here’s another one dreamt up by Salem Democrats, and again, I urge you to contact your local elected state legislators and tell them to vote no on this monstrosity. For Christ’s sake! This is EXACTLY what Orwell’s 1984 was about. If passed, the State of Oregon, not local school boards with that community’s parental input, will decide what books will go on the shelves of every school library in the state. Are you with me yet? I’ll restate. If passed, Salem (with input from WPs in Portland and Eugene) will decide what books are best for the kids in Burns, Lakeview, or Prairie City, and I’ll guarandamntee you they’ll be chock full of inappropriate LGBTQ rainbow flag-wavin’ stuff. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.