Oregon had 7,200% increase in catalytic converter replacements since 2019, data shows. 7,200% from 2019 to 2022. Let’s analyze those stats. It doesn’t take a lot of incentive to make an extra $150 – $1,500 (depending on what it’s stolen from) – that’s how much crooks get for a stolen catalytic converter. All they have to do is have a hacksaw made in Bangladesh, India, or China they can buy from Harbor Freight for less than $6 (money they made from bleeding-heart donations or from the cans they take out of your curbside recycling bin) and a willingness to crawl under a vehicle in the dead of night and cut off the convertor while lying on their back. Two groups fall into that category – lowlifes that’re outright thieves, and bums. In the last three years, Oregon’s bum population had a 98.5% increase. Gee – isn’t that a coincidence? Those were the same years that Oregon’s catalytic thefts had a four-digit increase. Are there any questions?

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