Gov. Brown commutes sentences for all 17 on Oregon’s death row to life in prison. Queen Brown’s at it again. With all the futility of a lame duck governor, hook around her neck, being dragged from the stage, she’s indiscriminately flailing in any direction, wielding the rapidly fading power in her scepter. We can only guess why but don’t be surprised if they’re more mass pardons before she’s shown the door in January. As if she didn’t f⭐⚡⭐ this state up enough after the woke progressive Democrats gave her an additional four years to further wreck the state in 2018. Some of her more memorable moments: dictated Chinese virus lockdowns and masking; signed the CAT Tax after her supermajority Democrats rammed it through the legislature; issued her climate change executive order; let murders out of jail without telling the victim’s families; mandated all state workers be vaccinated against COVID; pardoned 45,000 people with marijuana convictions; allowed kids to graduate high school who can’t read or get four when they try to add two plus two; etc., etc., etc. She’s got free rein to do what she wants – her buddy waiting in the wings to ascend the throne, Queen Kotek, won’t do a damned thing to reverse ANYTHING Kate Brown’s done to this state. After all, not only are they cut from the same cloth, but the same 7 counties out of 36 elected them . Truth be known, if Betsy Johnson hadn’t been involved in the last election, we’d be talking about Christine’s inauguration next month. Is anybody else tired of crime-riddled Portland making decisions for the rest of us? - Commonsense Commentary
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