Ballot measure to abolish walkout protests forever. Leave it to Democrats to try changing Oregon’s constitution to ram even MORE WP measures through the legislature. Blinded by their insatiable hunger for more power, brought on by their current majorities in both houses in Salem, they’ve lost focus on the “what if.” What if society in general, including their flock of voters, finally gets tired of Salem’s WP liberal message, somehow finds some common sense, rebels at the ballot box, and puts the Democrats in the minority, even if it’s only a one-legislator minority, in one or both houses? If the quorum laws change, it’s the DEMOCRATS who’d have to eat whatever conservative policies the Republicans shove down their throats – the same way Democrats have been doing for the last several years. Even Queen Brown (our previous governor, affectionately known as the Wicked Witch of the West) walked out early in her political career when Democrats were the minority party and they wanted to stop legislation. Aw, the good ol’ days. - Commonsense Commentary
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