Simple daytime camp ban met with liberal fury. Oregon’s WP bleeding-hearts brought this on themselves. Wadda, I mean? Nationally, homelessness increases by .03% a year. In Oregon, it increases by 23% a year. Why? You’re kiddin’ – right? Cities, counties, and this state, in general, got rid of vagrancy laws and rolled out a welcome mat for any bum or bumette that wants to pitch their tent on a sidewalk or any other piece of public property. I keep tellin’ you – it’s not rocket science. Just like unwelcome wild critters, if you keep puttin’ out free food, eventually, it’ll attract unwanted vermin and all their associated health problems. If you don’t pass laws (and enforce ’em) to crack down on bums, their numbers will increase, and the next thing you know, your city and county landscapes will become squalor-filled garbage dumps.