Without education budgets passed, Lane Community College district taxpayers could foot $500,000 interest bill. Hey Democrats – ESPECIALLY you Lane County WP Democrats. If you hadn’t elected a bunch of bleeding hearts to work in Salem, like the rest of western Oregon, we wouldn’t be in this mess. What do I mean? All the Democrats in Salem know how to do is pick up a paper, turn on the west coast news, see what’s happening in Sacramento, and craft carbon-copy anti-gun, pro-abortion bills to cram down our throats. Finally, Senate conservatives said enough was enough and walked out, denying a quorum. Even though, thanks to Measure 113, doing so will hamstring their political careers. The Democrats are now thinking about a bill to change Oregon’s constitution that will remove the two-thirds requirement for a quorum. If that bill were to pass and become signed into law, the transformation would be complete – Oregon would become another California.

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