Eugene family files wrongful death lawsuit against Lane Transit District connected to death on EmX route in 2022. I hope to God the family wins their case, and it costs this county $10 million. Common sense dictates that eventuality would be enough of a wake-up call to force the county’s hand and make them set up and use Transition Centers. Don’t hold your breath. This bum-loving city, county, and state will continue to throw good money after bad. Those are YOUR tax dollars they’re dumping down a dry well. It’s the very definition of insanity – keep doing the same things the same way, hoping for different results. Nothin’ will change until they load up all the bums, haul ’em to a compound east of Christmas Valley, and spend weeks – no, it’ll take months – to clean up the piles of shit they leave behind. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.