Oregon follows California, bans the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035. Queen Brown and her henchmen have just been enshrined, along with Shithead Newsom, as the most tone-deaf WP state officials in U.S. history. The rush to force EVs on everybody makes about as much sense, and trust me. It will end up going over like a fart in church. What am I talking about? The EV craze is a knee-jerk reaction of the left, just like the rush to force everyone into a mask and locking them in their houses to avoid the Chinese virus. The WP COVID solution has plummeted test scores for an entire generation of school kids. A mindset change in the American worker demanding higher pay for working remotely has more than a little to do with more Help Wanted signs in storefront windows than has ever been seen on the American landscape. And back to the EV boondoggle, pushback against the EV madness is starting to gel among at least one major auto manufacturer – Toyota. The bottom line is this: the Nitwit Newsoms and Lockdown Browns in this country are pushing us closer to a choiceless aristocracy, and if people don’t start electing commonsense politicians, they’re going to wake up one morning and find themselves shackled to their home desk, working for some left-wing social media corporation, that exposes ranchers who refuse to put diapers on their cattle.

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
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