Do you feel safe in downtown Eugene? There ya go. 86% of respondents said NO. And do you know WHY? It’s because of the bums and riff-raff. Long gone are the days when the city fathers of Eugene thought it was a good idea to ban cars from the city center, replace the asphalt pavement with bricks, and turn the whole thing into one giant crosswalk. As near as I can tell, the big difference between now and then boils down to one thing: vagrants and the City’s failure to deal with ’em. Bums and their substance abuse attract an unsavory crowd and create an atmosphere conducive to the rape in broad daylight that just occurred. If Eugene and other cities with similar problems would practice broken window policing instead of lookin’ the other way, they wouldn’t have near the problems. What am I talkin’ about? For a classic example, look no further than the riot of 2020, when Five Guys and adjacent businesses downtown were set on fire. Of an estimated crowd of 200, how many were arrested? 20. That means 90% got away. If the police’d be allowed to police, instead of using velvet handcuffs that magically disappear before the perpetrators spend a night in jail, 86% of the people wouldn’t be afraid of goin’ downtown. The sooner Hippieville and Lane County get away from bleedin’ hearts that comprise the city council and county commissioner positions, the sooner it’ll be safe to roam the streets. How’s THAT happen? QUIT ELECTIN’ ‘EM!!!

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