Opponents say proposed Amendment gains thousands of signatures for school vouchers. Oregon school voucher ballot initiatives could harm public schools. Let’s review. 36% of K-12 students can’t read at grade level. Only 38% are where they’re supposed to be in math. So tell me again what all our tax dollars are payin’ for, and why CAN’T parents get school vouchers and put their kids in a classroom setting that’ll give ’em a better chance of gettin’ the education they need. Folks, when it comes to international standings, the US is 38th in reading and 24th in science compared to 71 countries in the latest study. That’s what happens when the kid’s class spends more time bein’ told they were born in the wrong body, how they need to adhere to CRT and DEI, and how to embrace some raghead flag while lookin’ down on the stars and stripes. Whether you believe it or not, this all started when schools quit requiring kids to recite the Pledge of Allegiance on a daily basis.


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