Lane County Commissioners postpone decision on Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance, will resume discussion August 29th. As usual, it would appear that none of the commissioners are discussing the elephant in the room. Talks concerning ADUs in the Eugene City Council chambers aren’t about moving bums out of tents and into an ADU in somebody’s backyard. They’re arguing whether their use as a vacation rental (think Airbnb) would detract from the main home’s status if it were listed as a historic structure. They’re NOT discussing the impact on suburban neighborhoods – those that aren’t located within Eugene’s Urban Growth Bounty. In areas where, if bum cottages in the backyard are allowed to proliferate, property values will take a nosedive once they become a hangout for all their bum buddies. It’s bad enough that Hippieville has changed its regulations to allow the construction of apartment units in former single-family dwelling areas. On 29 August, Lane County will rubber stamp Eugene’s policies, and pretty soon, we won’t be able to sell our homes because some hippiefied bleeding heart’s turned their backyard into the local bum community center, and we all suffer from the crime it attracts, along with neighborhood property devaluation. All you need to do is reread my posts on this subject where it’s taken place in Portland. The only way to stop the madness is to move to a commonsense community or elect commonsense leaders who’ll use your tax dollars to set up and use Transition Centers. - Commonsense Commentary
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