HJR 201 is a STATEWIDE Property Tax!!! All property-owning Oregonians better pay attention! Write your state Senator and Representative and tell them to kill this bum-creation bill. If this passes and Crazy Kotek signs it, your property taxes will skyrocket. Also, ultimately, it would cause rents to increase and retired Oregonians to be forced outta their homes because they could no longer afford to pay the taxes that had previously been capped. Ask yourself: Why does Salem constantly look for more ways to get blood from a turnip when they’re sittin’ on a $5.6 BILLION surplus that’s triggered the biggest Kicker payout in history? In case you didn’t already know the answer, it’s one word: Democrats.

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.