Lane Transit District to reduce service on 12 fixed bus routes. What about anybody who works on Barger that doesn’t own any other mode of transportation and depends on LTD’s bus to get home after work? How are THEY supposed to get home – walk? If their home is in South Eugene, THAT’LL take ’em over two hours in the rain. So much for the county’s faux compassion. They always say it’s about customer service when they want to disrupt YOUR life to tear up 11th Ave West or River Road so they can ask for more matching funds for the construction and new buses to drive on those routes. I don’t think they gave a SHIT about you, the customer, when Queen Brown and local Democrats locked everything down and forced you to wear a mask for months, which caused the work-from-home mentality, and resulted in the current worker shortage. ALL businesses are suffering – not just LTD. Hey, Democrats – you reap what you sow. - Commonsense Commentary
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