Re: Hey Biden, you f⭐⚡⭐⚡⭐‘ idiot! Are you and your worthless Democrats tired of losing yet? Title 42 is the only thing keeping this country from drowning in wetbacks, and you were going to get rid of it so that you could let in even more of ‘em. Let me ask you something – did you have to go to college and take a special class on how to lose what little common sense the good Lord gave you? Thank God a few practicing federal judges on the bench didn’t take that elective when they were going for their law degree. And, by the way, don’t get too comfortable with the idea that all these illegal aliens you let in are somebody else’s problem. Now that the number one cause of death for people 18 to 45 in the United States of America is fentanyl overdose, Florida’s governor has had enough of your shit. Effective next month, any wetbacks you send to Florida will be put on buses and sent to your backyard in Delaware and Obama’s in Martha’s Vineyard. By the time you’re voted out of office in 2024 and move back to Delaware, the place’ll be unrecognizable. Better start brushing up on your Spanish, ‘cause you’ll need it.
NATIONAL NOTES.1 21 MAY 2022 Read More »